SOCIAL Indicators of Development - A database inquiry.
World Tables - a detailed collection of economic data and socioeconomic indicators published by the World Bank.
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme Sustainable Human Development
The Population Reference Bureau
United Nations Population Fund
Listing of Population and Related Non-governmental Organization Sites
Centre for Population, Poverty and Public Policy Studies
FAO - The Food and Agriculture Association
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) - Identifing national and international strategies and policies for sustainably meeting the food needs of the developing world.
The World Food Program of the United Nations
Corporate Agriculture in India
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy - Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Resources
The South Asian Womens Network
Women Watch -The UN Working For Women
The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) - Strengthening Women's Economic Capacity
The effects of the WTO on women's rights
The International Center for Research on Women
The following are links to some organizations' materials which are relevant to refugee issues:
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
International Organiztion for Migration
Center for Research on International Migration
Migration Issues in the Asian Pacific
Third World Network - Trade and the World Trade Organization
Mulitnational Monitor Resources
Trade in Action - The Organization of American States
Treaties related to Greater Freedom of Trade and or Economic Unification
National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade
OAS Overview of the North American Free Trade Agreement
Support Committee for Maquiladora Workers
Ethiopia: A Future without Famine?
Hunger in Africa -- A Story Still Untold
ReliefNet Online - Writing on Hunger and Development
The World Food Program Statistics
WFP Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) Project
Inter-American Development Bank(includes an interactive map which gives socio-economic data)
IMF Survey - topical coverage of the IMF's activities, policies, and research in the context of global economic and financial developments. (published bi-weekly)
World Bank/IMF debt initiative
A shortcut to many economic resources
Development economics and economic development.
The Overseas Development Institute - development research and forum for discussion of the problems facing development countries.
USAID Development Links
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme Sustainable Human Development
USAID - US Agency for International Development
USAID - Economic Growth.
Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID)
The International Monetary Fund
Finance and Development - a Publication of the IMF and World Bank
Group of 77 Developing Countries at the United Nations.
Praxis - Resources for Social and Economic Development (PRAXIS provides access to a vast array of archival resources on international and comparative social development.)
Resources for Economists on the Internet
A regional economic database - information on economic development in particular regions.
World Economic and Business Development Resources
Talking About Development - Interviews on Economic Development
Virtual Library on International Development
Institute for Global Communications Economic Resouces
Millennium Institute's THRESHOLD 21 National Sustainable Development Model
Trends in Developing Economies
OECD Development Assistance Committee
Sustainable Economic and Educational Development Society (SEEDS)
Latin American Economics Abstracts (LAEA) working paper abstracts dealing with all aspects of the economic environment of Latin America.
LADARK - data sets and other information for research on Latin American development.
Latin American Development Resources
The Inter-American Bank Social Programs and Sustainable Development
Center for Latin American Capital Markets
Latin American Economic Resources
Economic information on China.
The Asian Development Bank - a development finance institution engaged in promoting the economic and social progress of its developing member countries in the Asian and Pacific region.
WEBEC - Economics Journals on the Internet
Mailing lists - Developmental Economics
Mailing lists - other economic topics