cards released

Available on the download page. Any corrections from this point on will be issued as errata. Updated charts will be available shortly. PLAY BALL!

cards nearly finished

The cards have been created and we are now in the proofing stage. Stay tuned for the official release announcement.

wild play charts

This year I finally had some time to give the wild play charts a long-overdue overhaul. This is a brief summary of the changes for those who are interested.


split regression tool

I created a tool that will allow you to visualize how the platoon split regression system will affect individual players.

update to fence distances

While in the process of digging through the park data in order to answer a question from a league member, I noticed that the LH/RH HR ratios were being calculated using the overall PA rather than the actual number of PA by LH/RH batters. Since it was trivial to pull the PA splits from the […]