contact form fixed

While upgrading wordpress last night I realized that there was some kind of glitch with my contact form. If you recently tried to send me something via that form it most likely never got delievered, but I believe I have things fixed now.

2012 card set news

I’ve been quite busy this winter and have neglected to post regular updates about the status of the card set, but the good news is that everything is on track for a release in the typical mid-to-late March time-frame. Most of the important ratings have already been posted on the […]

chart update

I’ve uploaded updated charts (revision 2011b). The only changes are to the wild play charts, correcting some typos and clarifying that the new random pitcher injury play (0-199) should only affect pitchers who haven’t already been removed due to injury.

cards released

Available on the download page. Any corrections from this point on will be issued as errata. Updated charts will be available shortly. PLAY BALL!

cards nearly finished

The cards have been created and we are now in the proofing stage. Stay tuned for the official release announcement.